AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

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 Unique users

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 Average Click Position
zelman v. simmons-harris 1 1 4
yugoslavia' religion 1 1 7
xenotransplants 1 1 2
wycliffe john 1 1 2 1 1 7
would you want to know 1 1 51
world net daily 1 2 10
women's current role in society 1 1 2
woman's role and christian fundamentalism 1 1 1
william jennings bryan biography 1 1 1
why do women dislike nudity in movies 1 1 7
why do people yawn 1 1 8
who was first pope in history 1 1 1
where does it state in the bible to forgive 1 1 1
whats muscle man 1 1 1
what's thailand current population of the country 1 1 3
what is the problem with racism 1 1 15
what is the difference between ethics morals beliefs or values 1 1 5
what happened to john t. scopes after the trial 1 2 3
what happened on holy thursday 1 1 4
what does reasoning mean in religion 1 1 1
what does characteristics mean 1 1 2
what are the central beliefs of islam 1 1 1
western europe middle ages versus byzantine 1 1 8
was jesus ever married in the bible 1 1 9
types of religions 1 1 1
two formal fallacies 1 1 2
truth and falsity 1 1 21
tribal religions 1 1 2
transplanting ethics 1 1 2
toynbee 1 1 30
timeline on st.justin 1 1 4
timeline of old testament 1 1 2
thoughts on the death penalty 1 1 4
thomas edison on religion 1 1 3
theme in the film saving private ryan 1 1 4
theist 1 1 5
the virgin mary biography 1 1 5
the sistine chapel and michelangelo 1 1 8
the season of lent and the holy week 1 1 11
the role of religion in iraq 1 1 1
the role of myth and religion 1 2 1
the myth of santa claus like the story of god 1 1 5
the most important issue in america is 1 1 1
the meaning of palm sunday 1 1 8
the history of christianity in america 1 1 4
the history of baptist 1 1 2
the gospel of judas is not judas iscariot 1 1 2
the different branches of psychology 1 1 4
the democratic republic of congo religion 1 1 6